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An Automatic 3D Work Object Calibration Method Based on Hybrid 2D Image Vision

C. K. Huang, C. Y. Yang, B. C. Hsu, Yi-Ying Lin, and C. H. Chen
Intelligent Machinery Technology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Abstract—The coordinates of the tool center point (TCP) relative to work object coordinate frame of a robotic arm or manipulator indicates the action of the arm. Therefore, the absolute accuracy of the manipulator is subject to the precision of the TCP relative to the work object coordinate system. Improving the precision of the manipulator’s motion requires calibrating the TCP and work object coordinate frame respectively. An work object coordinate frame automatic calibration of the manipulator’s work object coordinate frame typically involves installing image sensors and calibrating the installing position or control the tool to touch the work object for it, whereas a manual calibration procedure, whose precision depends on the operator’s experience and technical competence. To address the limitations in existing work object coordinate frame calibration procedures, this paper presents an automatic calibration method that involves using an image sensors with hybrid 2D image vision, and performing visual servo control to calibrate the TCP. The presented method can efficiently calibrate the work object frame in 1 min. 

Index Terms—work object coordinate frame, automatic calibration, industrial robot, visual servo

Cite: C. K. Huang, C. Y. Yang, B. C. Hsu, Yi-Ying Lin, and C. H. Chen, "An Automatic 3D Work Object Calibration Method Based on Hybrid 2D Image Vision," Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 20-25, June, 2020. doi: 10.18178/joace.8.1.20-25

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