Automatic Charging Control for Electric Vehicle to Grid Operations
Timo A. Lehtola and Ahmad Zahedi
Electrical and Computer Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
Abstract—Electric vehicles, whether fueled by chemical batteries or by liquid or fuel cells providing electricity onboard, provide benefits to grid operators as battery storages and power resources. In vehicle to grid operations, batteries provide ancillary services such as regulation up and down services to electric utilities. Balancing voltage frequency keeps power grids stable and sustainable. Vehicle to grid operations provide economic benefits to power grid operators, aggregators and to electric vehicle owners. An electric vehicle operator shares battery power with the power grid, an electric vehicle operator provides information about the coming journey, departure time and traveling distance as next trip requires. An automatic charging control can mitigate communication, and estimate the next trip with automatic charging control. Electric vehicle operators are not required to share information about planned travel as battery management charges batteries automatically. The proposed topic is interesting and worthy of investigation in order that the impact of vehicle to grid operations on battery durability plays a key role for the convenience of electric vehicle owners in supporting the electricity network with this kind of ancillary services. Main findings are lifetime reduction is decreased in vehicle to grid operations and a lifetime can be extended. For electric utilities, the increased battery storage provides benefits such as power system reliability and lower costs and facilitates the integration of intermittent renewable energy resources such as solar energy and wind power.
Index Terms—automatic charging control, battery cycle aging, battery management, electric vehicle, frequency regulation, optimization
Cite: Timo A. Lehtola and Ahmad Zahedi, "Automatic Charging Control for Electric Vehicle to Grid Operations," Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-8, June, 2020. doi: 10.18178/joace.8.1.1-8
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