Software Architecture of Ladder Compiller to Opcode for Micro PLC Based on ARM Cortex Processor
Muhammad A. Murti, Agung N. Jati, Lukam Mawardi, and Siti A.N.F. Agustina
Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
Abstract— Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is an electronic circuit that can do a variety control function on complex levels and used as a substitute of mechanic relays components that used on control system. Over the past ten to fifteen years, many different programming languages have been used to program the PLC. For one programming language such as ladder diagram, each type of PLC have the rules and differences in the way of programming. In fact, modern industry usually uses not only one type of PLC alone but various types of PLC. It would be inefficient, both in terms of time and material. This paper discuss about ladder comppiler software design for micro class of PLC based on ARM processor. The architecture software was developed on the VB.Net platform. The designed software can work properly to compile ladder diagrams into commands/instructions and sent it to PLC. The design included status monitoring which is received I/O PLC status. The communications between ladder programmer software and PLC for each architecture part can work properly without any interruption with 100% reliable in terms of compiling from ladder diagram to ladder opcode. This software has been able to do the compiling process less than a second.
Index Terms—Programmable Logic Controller, Ladder Programmer, Software Architecture
Cite: Muhammad A. Murti, Agung N. Jati, Lukam Mawardi, and Siti A.N.F. Agustina, "Software Architecture of Ladder Compiller to Opcode for Micro PLC Based on ARM Cortex Processor," Jounal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 363-366, December, 2014. doi: 10.12720/joace.2.4.363-366
Index Terms—Programmable Logic Controller, Ladder Programmer, Software Architecture
Cite: Muhammad A. Murti, Agung N. Jati, Lukam Mawardi, and Siti A.N.F. Agustina, "Software Architecture of Ladder Compiller to Opcode for Micro PLC Based on ARM Cortex Processor," Jounal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 363-366, December, 2014. doi: 10.12720/joace.2.4.363-366