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Coloured Petri Nets-based Approach for Manipulating RDF Data

Thi-Hoa-Hue Nguyen and Nhan Le Thanh
WIMMICS - The I3S laboratory – CNRS, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France

Abstract—This paper introduces a solution for controlling RDF data manipulation operations. We propose a formal approach to manage any modification, query or adaptation of the data to satisfy end-user/application criteria (e.g., RDF filtering). An overview of the RDF data manipulation framework with its main components is first presented. We then introduce the RDF-oriented Composition Definition Language (RDFCDL) including the syntax and its graphical representations defined based on CPNs. The language aims to support both expert and non-expert developers to create/compose RDF manipulation operations. Besides, an ontology for representing manipulating processes modelled with the RDFCDL language is developed in order to share and reuse the processes more easily. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach providing a means for end-users to create manipulation nodes over RDF data based upon system-defined functions and allowing manipulating processes to be stored in RDF file format.

Index Terms—CPN, knowledge base, OWL DL ontology, RDF Data manipulation, RDF

Cite: Thi-Hoa-Hue Nguyen and Nhan Le Thanh, "Coloured Petri Nets-based Approach for Manipulating RDF Data," Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 171-177, April, 2015. doi: 10.12720/joace.3.2.171-177
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